Tag Archives: dogs in cars


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We got caught in a massive storm while still on the road. Piks’ car (Car 1) made it to a rest stop, but Car 2 got stuck on the side of the road. When we finally inched our way to the rest stop, everyone was asleep, except for Ms. P.

This is what we found when we pulled up:
Somebody had to protect the car from the rain.

And we’re off!

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We’ve been out of touch for a while because we were traveling, but now we’re back, with plenty of Piks pics.

Here’s how the trip started out, with Pickles navigating:
Let’s just say it’s a good thing we had GPS.

Who’s that dog?

You might say that Pickles looks like a lot of dogs out there. She would politely (and correctly) counter that the rest of them are merely pretenders to the throne.

We spotted one such impostor enjoying a night out recently.
not pickles10-29-13